Tuesday, March 30, 2010

moving multiple layers to top of the...


I purchased a flash home page template that had menu buttons at the top that I decided not to use. I removed the buttons, but now there is a 125 pixel blank horixontal space at the top of the stage. I tried resizing the horizontal size of the stage hoping the artwork would move up and eliminate the blank area, but the stage sizes from the bottom up. The layers get cutoff at the bottom and the blank space is still at the top.

The movie is quite complex with many layers and 450+ frames. Have attached the swf file to illustrate how the top of the stage is empty after I removed the menu buttons. Is there any way to get all of the layers to move up by 125 pixels so that they fill in the blank space without having to do each layer one at a time?


moving multiple layers to top of the...

I found this - it worked perfectly!

http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/UsingFlash/help.html?content=WSd60f23110762d 6b883b18f10cb1fe1af6-7d9c.html

moving multiple layers to top of the...

problem solved!

  • revlon
  • WebServices madness

    Is there one coherent, complete example in existence that demonstrates how to call a simple Web Service ?

    I have a web service all set up .. it's a simple thing .. just returns a string ... hello world stuff ....

    Over in Flex 3 .... I use the import Web Services wizard... and it generates a ton of code for me...

    ok great...

    now I need to know how to use that code via Actionscript (not MXML) ...

    I have found various snippets but not one complete example that actually works... even the adobe livedocs don't make any sense when you actually sit down and try to build-run them...!

    this shouldn't be so hard.... it's a hello world service returning a string ... and i'm 2 days into theis nonsense already ....


    WebServices madness

    Here are some examples on using WebService, the first three at least in ActionScript:

    http://www.manfridayconsulting.it/index.php?option=com_content%26amp;view=article%26amp;id=2 3:consume-a-web-service-with-flex%26amp;catid=12:flex-3%26amp;Itemid=27

    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=data_access_3.html?span> (search for ''Calling web services in ActionScript'')

    http://blog.dannypatterson.com/?p=132?span> Making Flex Web Service calls in ActionScript

    http://blog.flexexamples.com/2008/04/14/calling-a-simple-web-service-from-flex-u sing-the-webservice-class/


    If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.

    WebServices madness

    thanks Greg but this isn't what i'm looking for ...

    what I want to see is a complete 'hello world' example of using the actionscript classes that get generated by the WSDL importer. My understanding of this is that there are two basic ways you can go about this.... (1) in a static 'compile-time' way using the wsdl importer-code generator... and (2) in a dynamic 'run-time' way by using the generic WebService class and having that thing load the wsdl at runtime... and all of those links refer to scenario (2) ...

    so for example, I have a web service called 'MyWebService' and it has a method on it 'getTime()' that returns a string...

    running the wsdl importer, I would get a bunch of actionscript classes generated, including 'MyWebService.as' and 'BaseMyWebSevice.as'

    In my application code I would then expect to use an instance of MyWebService ... and call the generated methods on that....

    So for example :

    private var ws:MyWebService;

    public function doIt():void{

    ws = new MyWebService();

    ws.addGetTimeEventListener(resultHandler); // process the result in this handler

    ws.addMyWebServiceFaultEventListener(faultHandler); // process faults here...

    ws.getTime_send(); // not sure this is correct....


    public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void{

    trace(''FAULT: ''+event.fault.faultString);


    public function resultHandler(....){?// not sure how to declare this....


    and so on .... but I am screwing something up .. in this example, tracing into ws.getTime_send() ... it blows up for some reason I can't quite figure out...

    basically I just need to see a proper example of these GENERATED classes in action......

    there are some cryptic (to me anyway) comments in the generated code :

    * Actionscript sample code:
    ?* Step 1: create an instance of the service; pass it the LCDS destination string if any
    ?* var myService:MyWebService= new MyWebService();
    ?* Step 2: for the desired operation add a result handler (a function that you have already defined previously)?
    ?* myService.addgetTimeEventListener(myResultHandlingFunction);
    ?* Step 3: Call the operation as a method on the service. Pass the right values as arguments:
    ?* myService.getTime(mygetTime);

    so I think i'm sort of on the right track .. but I don't get what 'mygetTime' would correspond to ...


    making this up as I go along ... got a bit further with this:

    ws = new MyWebService();
    var gt:GetTime = new GetTime(); // always wondered why this class got generated...?

    now getting arg count mismatch in my declaration for the result handler... so now need to figure out what that might look like,,,

    gosh this is intuative...


    ok ... answering my own question here... but hey .. i'm sure there are plenty of folks out there similarly confused...

    declaring the result handler like so :

    public function handle_result(event:GetTimeResultEvent):void{
    ?trace(''Response from service received.'');

    got rid of the runtime error ... so I guess now I just need to figure out how to unpack the string...

    UPDATE ... drum roll please...

    public function handle_result(event:GetTimeResultEvent):void{


    (maybe I have been googling in the wrong places... but in 3 days of hair pulling I never saw a complete example of somebody actually using these generated classes....?everyone seemed to be using 'WebService'.....)

    resetting an object pivot point using...

    Hi, im creating a gallery that can scale the image in order to zoom in. the thing is that i want to know how can i scale it from different direction.

    i want to be able to scale it from the all directions according to position. in different words, resetting the pivot point of the object so it will scale

    from the opposite side.

    is that possible ?

    resetting an object pivot point using...

    Yes there's many ways to do this. You can redraw the content to get a different registration, you can move the content, you can add your object to another Sprite/MovieClip and move it to get another registration, you can also use the MatrixTransformer class and also some custom class give you also some easy solution like this one for example: http://blog.greensock.com/transformmanageras3/

    resetting an object pivot point using...


    I managed to create a custom class the takes and object and scale it from the desirable side simply by moving the object around

    while scaling. the solution was so simple yet took me a whole day to figure it out.

    [svn:fx-trunk] 9295:...

    Revision: 9295

    Author: jszeto@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-08-13 17:10:40 -0700 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)

    Log Message:


    http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-22148 - Spark Slider doesn?\226?\128?\153t dispatch change event if value changed using mouse wheel

    This issues exists for Spinner and NumericStepper as well.

    In the mouseWheel handler, we now dispatch a CHANGE event.

    QE notes: Add test cases for MouseWheel

    Doc notes: None

    Bugs: SDK-22148

    Reviewer: Hans

    Tests run: Slider, Spinner, NumericStepper

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    Ticket Links:




    Modified Paths:



    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/components/supportClasses/Tr ackBase.as

    Downloaded Trial and license expired


    I wanted to download the trial version of CS4 for Vista but am unable to run the program. I downloaded the trial and the very first time I try to open it, I get a pop up that says the license has expired. I thought we were allowed 30 days. Has anyone else had this issue? If so, what can I do so that I am able to use the trial version?


    Downloaded Trial and license expired

    Once you get that error, for whatever reason, there's no way short of formatting your harddrive to get the trial to work.

    We'd need more details to figure out why this happened.


    Downloaded Trial and license expired

    Thanks for the quick response Bob.

    Could this be the reason....I just purchased a new computer and was planning on transferring my CS2 onto this computer. I could not fully transfer it because I couldnt find my serial. So I took it off of this computer (the new one) and thought I would try CS4 first. That is when I tried to download the trial. I have searched the internet for reasons and one thing I found is that if you try to redownload a trial, you would get this error. I am assuming this is correct so that people do not keep downloading trials. I am thinking that the trial version CS4 found files from the CS2 that were not fully deleted and thought it was a replicate. Is this a possible explanation of the cause?

    CS2 should have nothing to do with it. Is this a 64 bit machine? If so, did you accept the default installation?


    Its the 64bit vista and and i did the default installation.

    Both issues should be utterly unrelated. This sounds more like an issue where the CS4 licensing system never got installed/ initialized correctly and because this will be interpreted as tampering, it locked itself. Did you run the install and the first program launch with proper administratiove privileges? This is quite crucial to generate the correct timestamp and set the options for the licensing service... Anyway, I'm afraid Bob is right. Once everything is shut down, it can only be revived by inputting a full serial or a complete nuking (including full format) of the current system.


    Hello Mylenium,

    I am assuming so. I am the only user for this computer.

    So in the end...I guess I am out of luck for running a trial version of CS4 on this computer. Is this a valid statement? What would happen if I bought the program and it continued to have this error?

    Adobe gives free support for installation and a 30 day money back policy.


    [svn:fx-trunk] 9290: A skin would...

    Revision: 9290

    Author: rfrishbe@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-08-13 16:41:54 -0700 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)

    Log Message:


    A skin would almost always be reloaded when setting it via skinFactory when a style invalidation occurs. skinFactory was being smart about ClassFactories, but since Design View was the only one using this API (as it's undocumented and officially unsupported), the ClassFactory case wasn't helping them much. Because of this, now we only recreate the skin when the skinFactory style has been explicitly set as per design view's request.

    QE notes: -

    Doc notes: -

    Bugs: -

    Reviewer: Glenn

    Tests run: checkintests, mustella SkinnableComponent, SkinnableContainer

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    Modified Paths:


    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/components/supportClasses/Sk innableComponent.as

    Navigation Bar Error

    Below is the error message I receive when I try to insert the navigation bar:

    While executing onClick in modify navbar.htm, the following javascript error(s) occurred: at line 227 of “C:\program files\adobe\adobe dreamweaver cs4\configuration\shared\MM\scripts\navBar.js”: trobj has no properties

    Navigation Bar Error

    See if the tech not helps you fix the js problem:





    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver



    Unique CSS Templates | Tutorials | SEO Articles




  • revlon
  • Exporting to tape in camera


    I have a question from a friend who is having trouble exporting his project in PE7 back onto a tape in his HD camera from the computer or TV?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Exporting to tape in camera

    Please provide the details on the Project, and the camera in use, plus the methods that have been tried. Those details will likely provide others with info necessary to help. Also, is the camera attached to the computer via FireWire, or another connection?

    Good luck,


    Exporting to tape in camera

    Is that an HD hi-def camcorder or an HD hard drive camcorder? Which brand and model?

    Hi again,

    Photoshop CS4 brush tool stops painting

    Ok so heres my problem. When I use the brush tool and start painting it works just like normal, till I lift my pen off the surface of my tablet. When I touch the pen back to my tablet to start drawing again nothing happens. photoshop wont draw anything or let me do anything.

    I can move the mouse around but its stuck in brush form so it looks like that little circle. I cant change tools but when I mouse over them they change color still so it doesnt seem frozen. If I click out of the program to Finder or the desktop and then click back to photoshop it works again but only for one stroke of the brush tool and I have to repeat the whole prosses of clicking finder and back again for it to work. it seems to happen with some of the other tools too. I havent tried all of them. its very fustraiting. It seems that when I use the zoom tool its fine though.

    This problem started a little more than 10 days after I installed photoshop. everything worked fine then. I also have not downloaded any new programs since installing photoshop. Im pretty sure its not the tablet since I have tried using 2 different ones and it still happens with both, even when I use a mouse.

    I have not tried to reinstall photoshop yet but im wonering if that might help. if i do need to reinstall photoshop how should I go about doing that? Im worried that if I do something will happen and maybe it wont accept my serial number again. can that happen? Please any help you can offer is much apreciated. I hope I explained everything clearly as posible.

    Adobe Photoshop CS4 ver 11.0.1

    Mac OS X ver. 10.5.8

    Amount of free disk space. 429.1

    GBNVIDIA GeForce 9400M

    Wacom Intuos4 medium

    Photoshop CS4 brush tool stops painting

    Have you installed the correct Driver? http://www.wacom.com/downloads/drivers.php

    Photoshop CS4 brush tool stops painting

    I installd the latest driver like you said but it seems to still be having trouble.

    Is it JUST a Photoshop problem, or is the tablet misbehaving in any other apps? The symptoms you described are SO like what I have seen when people don't even install a driver. Is the tablet USB plugged diectly into the mac?

    I have not tried to reinstall photoshop yet but im wonering if that might help

    Ive only been having the problem in Photoshop and it only started about 10 days after I installed it. before that is was completely fine. I installed the latest driver from wacom. The USB is pluged directly into my computer. the mouse for the tablet is sitting about 3 feet away since I dont use it really. I called adobe and they told me to re-install photoshop, which I did. but the problem still persists. Im thinking I might call again. any ideas whats going wrong?

    To be honest this is a difficult one. I suppose it may be a problem with the new Inuos4, but its not a common problem - because I've not seen it reported elsewhere. Do you have any special drivers installed? Mouse drivers for example - that may be interferring in some way? Is there anything installed on your machine that may be causing some conflict?

    sure its not the tablet since I have tried using 2 different ones and it still happens with both,

    I called adobe again and they walked me through reseting all the brush settings back to the original settings. I thought they had been since I reinstalled the program but aperantly not. in the brush menu I deselected all the boxes drew with that and slowly reselected the right ones. and everything seems to work now. I was so amazed that thats all it took for such a huge problem! they told me if it happens again to go into the library and go to prefrences and rename com.adobe.photoshop.plist to com.adobe.photoshop.plist1 in the get info section. I hope if any one else ever has this problem that this help them out.

    seeking basic script help

    hello flash forum-

    i will start with my question and leave the explanation for later...

    i am looking for real simple scripting- i have a 15-25 frame flash tweened animation, and all i would like to do is run thru the animation once then on mouse click go to frame one and start again... and of course i am under a time crunch and completley fogged with actionscript 3.0

    yes, i did some basic projects back in the director days and thought i could just pick up where i left off... if i remember right it was simple scripting like




    etc... sheeesh! do i feel lame! thanks very much in advance for any and all help

    seeking basic script help

    This is a two part solution. First stop the timeline from automatically playing again and then create an event listener that allows you to run a function based on a mouseClick.

    In the last frame of your timeline:

    Step 1: Create a stop function


    Step 2: Create an Event Listener to listen for a MouseClick. This assumes you want to have a button trigger the playback. I used a generic name and assumed that you were using a MovieClip as the button.

    myMC_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myFunction);

    Step 3: Create the function that is listed at the end of the event listener. It will be triggered whenever the listener runs.

    function myFunction(myEvent:MouseEvent):void {



    If you don't want to use a button you could use an event listener tied to the stage itself:

    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myFunction);

    seeking basic script help

    Repeated info removed

    thank you very much! soon as i get this out im hittin the books!

    thanks again


    How do I change background color of jpg...

    I have a tan background color on a biz card. Want to place a jpg of a purple crayon line on it, but it has a white background. How do I get the white to the tan background without changing the color of the purple crayon. How do I blend this? I am a newbie at InDesign and can't find a book that gives this answer. Thanks, Penni penni@pennigladstone.com

    How do I change background color of jpg...

    Did you intend to do this with a script? (I'm assuming you didn't -- but this is the Scripting forum, not intended for general questions.)

    JPEGs don't support transparency. Open the image in Photoshop and remove the background, leaving it as 'transparent'. Then save the image in a format that does support transparency. Alternatively, create a Photoshop path that selects just the stuff you want to see, and save the image as PSD. When importing into InDesign, you can select this path as 'clipping path'.

    If the edge between color and white background is fairly sharp, you can always try InDesign's Detect Edges option: select the image, from the Object menu, select Clipping Path. In the dialog box, select ''Detect Edges''. Enable Preview and tinker with the settings for the best result.

    vertical menu JS problem in IE8.

    This is the site: http://www.camerondavey.com.au

    The vertical menu bar works perfectly in firefox, however I need it to work in IE8. When the submenu opens, the main menu part it covers says False. I need it to display the other options of the main menu.

    Thanks in advance,

    Here is the JS.....

    var Spry;
    Spry = {};
    Spry.Widget = {};

    // Constructor for Menu Bar
    // element should be an ID of an unordered list (%26lt;ul%26gt; tag)
    // preloadImage1 and preloadImage2 are images for the rollover state of a menu
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar = function(element, opts)
    this.init(element, opts);

    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.init = function(element, opts)
    this.element = this.getElement(element);

    // represents the current (sub)menu we are operating on
    this.currMenu = null;

    var isie = (typeof document.all != 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; typeof window.opera == 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; navigator.vendor != 'KDE');
    if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined' || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' %26amp;%26amp; typeof window.XMLHttpRequest == 'undefined') || (isie %26amp;%26amp; typeof document.uniqueID == 'undefined'))
    ?// bail on older unsupported browsers

    // load hover images now
    ?for(var k in opts)
    var rollover = new Image;
    rollover.src = opts[k];

    ?this.currMenu = this.element;
    ?var items = this.element.getElementsByTagName('li');
    ?for(var i=0; i%26lt;items.length; i++)
    this.initialize(items[i], element, isie);
    ?this.addClassName(items[i], ''MenuBarItemIE'');
    ?items[i].style.position = ''static'';
    if(this.hasClassName(this.element, ''MenuBarVertical''))
    ?this.element.style.position = ''relative'';
    var linkitems = this.element.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for(var i=0; i%26lt;linkitems.length; i++)
    ?linkitems[i].style.position = ''relative'';

    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.getElement = function(ele)
    if (ele %26amp;%26amp; typeof ele == ''string'')
    ?return document.getElementById(ele);
    return ele;

    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hasClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !ele.className || ele.className.search(new RegExp(''\\b'' + className + ''\\b'')) == -1)
    ?return false;
    return true;

    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className += (ele.className ? '' '' : '''') + className;

    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className)
    if (!ele || !className || !this.hasClassName(ele, className))
    ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp(''\\s*\\b'' + className + ''\\b'', ''g''), '''');

    // addEventListener for Menu Bar
    // attach an event to a tag without creating obtrusive HTML code
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture)
    ?if (element.addEventListener)
    element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);
    ?else if (element.attachEvent)
    element.attachEvent('on' + eventType, handler);
    catch (e) {}

    // createIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // creates an IFRAME underneath a menu so that it will show above form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.createIframeLayer = function(menu)
    var layer = document.createElement('iframe');
    layer.tabIndex = '-1';
    layer.src = 'javascript:false;';

    layer.style.left = menu.offsetLeft + 'px';
    layer.style.top = menu.offsetTop + 'px';
    layer.style.width = menu.offsetWidth + 'px';
    layer.style.height = menu.offsetHeight + 'px';

    // removeIframeLayer for Menu Bar
    // removes an IFRAME underneath a menu to reveal any form controls and ActiveX
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.removeIframeLayer =?function(menu)
    var layers = menu.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
    while(layers.length %26gt; 0)

    // clearMenus for Menu Bar
    // root is the top level unordered list (%26lt;ul%26gt; tag)
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.clearMenus = function(root)
    var menus = root.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    for(var i=0; i%26lt;menus.length; i++)
    this.removeClassName(this.element, ''MenuBarActive'');

    // bubbledTextEvent for Menu Bar
    // identify bubbled up text events in Safari so we can ignore them
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.bubbledTextEvent = function()
    return (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' %26amp;%26amp; (event.target == event.relatedTarget.parentNode || (event.eventPhase == 3 %26amp;%26amp; event.target.parentNode == event.relatedTarget)));

    // showSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // set the proper CSS class on this menu to show it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.showSubmenu = function(menu)
    ?this.currMenu = null;

    ?this.addClassName(menu, ''MenuBarSubmenuVisible'');
    ?if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; typeof window.opera == 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    if(!this.hasClassName(this.element, ''MenuBarHorizontal'') || menu.parentNode.parentNode != this.element)
    ?menu.style.top = menu.parentNode.offsetTop + 'px';
    ?if(typeof document.uniqueID != ''undefined'')
    this.addClassName(this.element, ''MenuBarActive'');

    // hideSubmenu for Menu Bar
    // remove the proper CSS class on this menu to hide it
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(menu)
    ?this.removeClassName(menu, ''MenuBarSubmenuVisible'');
    ?if(typeof document.all != 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; typeof window.opera == 'undefined' %26amp;%26amp; navigator.vendor != 'KDE')
    menu.style.top = '';
    menu.style.left = '';

    // initialize for Menu Bar
    // create event listeners for the Menu Bar widget so we can properly
    // show and hide submenus
    Spry.Widget.MenuBar.prototype.initialize = function(listitem, element, isie)
    var opentime, closetime;
    var link = listitem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
    var submenus = listitem.getElementsByTagName('ul');
    var menu = (submenus.length %26gt; 0 ? submenus[0] : null);

    var hasSubMenu = false;
    ?this.addClassName(link, ''MenuBarItemSubmenu'');
    ?hasSubMenu = true;

    ?// define a simple function that comes standard in IE to determine
    ?// if a node is within another node
    ?listitem.contains = function(testNode)
    // this refers to the list item
    if(testNode == null)
    ?return false;
    if(testNode == this)
    ?return true;
    ?return this.contains(testNode.parentNode);

    // need to save this for scope further down
    var self = this;

    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseover', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events
    ?if(self.currMenu == listitem)
    self.currMenu = null;
    ?// show menu highlighting
    ?self.addClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? ''MenuBarItemSubmenuHover'' : ''MenuBarItemHover'');
    ?if(menu %26amp;%26amp; !self.hasClassName(menu, ''MenuBarSubmenuVisible''))
    opentime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.showSubmenu(menu);}, 250);
    }, false);

    this.addEventListener(listitem, 'mouseout', function(e)
    // ignore bubbled text events

    ?var related = (typeof e.relatedTarget != 'undefined' ? e.relatedTarget : e.toElement);
    self.currMenu = listitem;

    // remove menu highlighting
    self.removeClassName(link, hasSubMenu ? ''MenuBarItemSubmenuHover'' : ''MenuBarItemHover'');
    ?closetime = window.setTimeout(function(){self.hideSubmenu(menu);}, 600);
    }, false);

    vertical menu JS problem in IE8.

    Consider upgrading your Spry files from 1.4 to 1.6.1. To see if it matters.

    Drawing a shape dynamically

    I'm trying to draw small circles (as extended movie clip class), but instead, I get a black page in Flex.

    Can you help me to understand where am I wrong?

    Package code:


    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    public class DrawingPoints extends MovieClip


    private var mc1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    private var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    private var mc3:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    private var mc4:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    private var mc5:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    public function DrawingPoints()


    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, drawParticle);


    mc1.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 5));




    public function drawParticle(e:MouseEvent)



    mc2.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 4));



    mc3.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 3));



    mc4.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 2));



    mc5.graphics.drawCircle(50, 50, 1));



    Mxml code: // Here I have the feeling that my errors occur.



    %26lt;?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8''?%26gt;


    xmlns:mx=''http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml'' layout=''absolute'' applicationComplete=''init();''%26gt;



    import com.myDomain.DrawingPoints;

    import mx.graphics.*;

    import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;

    import flash.events.Event;

    import flash.display.*;

    public var particles:DrawingPoints = new DrawingPoints();

    public function init():void



    particle1 =

    new DrawingPoints();






    Thank you for your help

    Drawing a shape dynamically

    I tried getting this working but had problems. Let me take a step back and ask what is your goal here. I'm just wondering if I can do things differently to achieve your goal.

    Drawing a shape dynamically

    Hi Greg.

    My goal is to draw a small circle every time the client clicks on the stage, at that very point. Further, connect the points with a line, getting a polygonal shape.

    Thanks. Madrid

  • revlon
  • NetConnection - Multiple ''clients''

    Hi all,

    ?Let's say I have two different Flash apps (remote from each other) and joined by the same NetConnection.?Now, they both set the NetConnection ''client'' property (e.g. nc.client = %26lt;whatever%26gt;''.?On one of the apps (the one I incidentally start first), it receives all remote ''client'' calls from the script sitting on my Flash Media Server.?However, the second app (which sets the .client property in the same way) never receives ANY of those client calls.

    ?Is it possible to have more than one custom ''client'' set for a NetConnection??Or am I missing something here?

    ?Thanks in advance!



    NetConnection - Multiple ''clients''

    I dont think its possible to have two clients on same netconnection. In real sense, a client is nothing but a netconnection and its one to one mapping. I think you are not stating your problem correctly. Can u pass me the code and what is your objective , then probably i might be able to help you.

    NetConnection - Multiple ''clients''

    I promise you I'm stating my problem correctly.

    Each Flash app has a NetConnection to the same FMS (same FMS application, same port, etc.).?But, if you're telling me there can only be one ''client'' set per FMS application, then please confirm that.

    Here's the code used on both ends (essentially):

    (from the init() method in the client:)


    ?nc = new NetConnection();

    ?var ph:ProxyChatRequest = new ProxyChatRequest();
    ?ph.addEventListener(''finalizeEvent'', handleFinalize);
    ?nc.client = ph;


    where ''nc'' is a NetConnection object.?ProxyChatRequest is simply an extra class that handles the NetConnection callbacks.?It works on one Flash app but not the other.

    Thanks again.

    No I don't mean there can be only one client to FMS application. What i meant is you can one client per netconnection , not single client to FMS app. Now if both clients are two different swf's each having its own NetConnection , that callbacks should happen for both clients. Is it possible for you to share both your server-side and client-side code?

    Yes, two different SWFs that each have its own NetConnection is what's happening here.

    Server-side code is attached here (I'm assuming you're ok with the client-side code I pasted before; if not, let me know what else you need from the client sides):

    //Two-element array

    var client;

    //Application first starts
    application.onAppStart = function()
    application.SOBarOnline = SharedObject.get(''SOBarOnline'', false);

    //A currentClient (user) attempts to connect
    application.onConnect = function(currentClient)
    //Reject connection if array is empty
    //(Two users are currently using application)
    if (vidStreams.length %26lt;= 0)

    //Store array element in currentClient property

    if (currentClient.cliNow == ''left'') {
    ?client = currentClient;

    currentClient.streamSelect = function()
    ?//Sent the property to Client object
    ?return currentClient.cliNow;

    currentClient.freeStream = function ()

    application.SOBarOnline.setProperty(''msg'', ''User joined.'');

    Client.prototype.requestChat = function (reqID, destID)
    ?client.call(''barRequestWaiting'', null, reqID, destID);
    ?application.SOBarOnline.setProperty(''msg'', reqID + '' requested chat.'');

    Client.prototype.finalize = function (reqID)
    client.call(''finalize1'', null, reqID);

    application.onDisconnect = function(currentClient)
    //When currentClient leaves put the element back in array
    application.SOBarOnline.setProperty(''msg'', ''User left.'');

    I suppose it will call only one of those client's callback namely one which is has it property ''cliNow'' as ''left as its current client and you are assigning client variable that way - so when it does ''call'' it goes back to that ''left'' client.

    Ahhh I see!?Is there a way around this??Or do I have to track each client connection and then iterate through them to send the ''call''??I'm not quite sure how this would work (I'm fairly new to this).?Thanks!

    Ya that is one way you can do : basically put all clients in an array , iterate through them and make calls, in your case its just two , so i suppose you can do that. But now if you want something to be called on client side and its same function you want to be called on some condition, you can use application.broadcast, this will basically call an handler on all clients.

    Ok, well, what if I moved the ''requestChat'' method into the onConnect method on the FMS??E.g. I'd add the following code

    application.onConnect = function(currentClient)



    currentClient.requestChat = function (reqID, destID)
    ?trace(''Requesting chat...'');
    ?currentClient.call(''barRequestWaiting'', null, reqID, destID);
    ?application.SOBarOnline.setProperty(''msg'', reqID + '' requested chat.'');?// THIS FAILS



    I just tried this but it's giving me an error when it's called (on the line marked ''THIS FAILS'').?It says:

    ''Sending error message: Response object not found (_result:0).''

    Does this mean I MUST have a callback/responder object set and I can't just use ''null'' as the second parameter?

    Thanks again for your help!

    I think what you are saying is gettign error on previous line and not one which you have marked by comment:

    This line : currentClient.call(''barRequestWaiting'', null, reqID, destID); - getting you in error ??

    It's not needed to define responder everytime , can you just try this.call instead of currentClient.call ?

    I'm positive the line I marked is throwing the error since I get the ''trace'' statement just fine.

    The ''currentClient'' line is definitely throwing an error I also tried your suggestion of ''this.call'' but it throws the same error.

    Surely there must be a way to get this to work?

    You don't need to define a responder... I think it's a scope issue:

    currentClient.call(''barRequestWaiting'', null, reqID, destID);

    should be

    this.call(''barRequestWaiting'', null, reqID, destID);

    ... as the function is within the scope of currentClient.

    Hi Jay,

    ?I have tried that and I still get the same error...I was sure to reload the application before trying to test it, as well.

    Sorry... I didn't spot the previous reply suggesting the scope issue.

    When you get the warning in the log, are the call to barRequestWaiting and the ShareObject update failing?

    No worries.

    As far as I can tell, the call to barRequestWaiting is failing, and the subsequent SharedObject update isn't being called at all (I don't actually see the SO update anywhere on any of the clients).

    Does anyone else have any ideas??Thanks again.

    ftp dreamweaver cs4

    I have just uploaded this upgrade and I can see local files. I am connected to the server, but Ido not see the remote files.?When I click on the put arrow it is not highlighted so I cannot ftp.

    Any help would be appreciated, I have been on this all day.

    True Brit

    ftp dreamweaver cs4

    Sounds to me like you've lost your remote access information.?When you go in to manage the site do you see your FTP info?


    Metro Hi Speed email fax services.

    ftp dreamweaver cs4

    紻ear Chris:?I have made the remote folder but when I put local files in files panel there is no put button, only if I put remote files in files panel.?Even then the put button will not upload.

    True Brit

    I am connected, that is not the problem.?It just willnot upload a file from DW.

    Trying to store a custom tag in a...

    I have a simple custom tag that displays an image.?We'll call it %26lt;cf_checkmark%26gt;.?All it does is display a nice little checkmark.?Saves me from having to rewrite the %26lt;img src=''....''%26gt; tag over and over and over.?I want to store this tag in a database field, so it is returned as a value in my query results.?(I'm not storing the code in the database, just the text ''%26lt;cf_checkmark%26gt;'').?Only problem is coldfusion doesn't render the custom tag when I output the result.?The tag is there, it's just not rendering or executing.?If I do a View Source I can see %26lt;cf_checkmark%26gt; in the source.?It just doesn't execute or render.

    My guess is that ColdFusion executes all the cf code before it outputs the query results.?Therefore it doesn't recognize the text in the query result as a custom tag.?Is there any way to get this to work?

    Trying to store a custom tag in a...

    Write it to a file and cfinclude the file.

    But for one line of code, why bother.

    Trying to store a custom tag in a...

    I agree:?''cut and run.''?You're wasting your time with this.

    PHP scripting for form with multiple...

    I am new to Dreamweaver and PHP scripting. I am having difficulty scripting a form in PHP that allows selection of multiple checkboxes. The only one that comes through is the last checkbox selected in the list in the cruise and land section. No selections show in destination, activities or referred field, although they are scripted the same as far as I can tell. However if I put a name in the friend textbox that does show.

    I have searched the internet, but nothing seems to work. I have tried checkbox array in form handling. But it still doesn't work. Anyone able to assist me? I appreciate any help.

    You can see the form at www.iconfortravel.com/contact.html.

    Below is the PHP scripting I am using for the form.


    /* Subject and Email Variables */

    $emailSubject = 'Icon For Travel Information Request Form!';
    $webMaster = 'judy@iconfortravel.com';

    /* Gathering Data Variables */

    $emailField = $_POST['email'];
    $nameField = $_POST['name'];
    $phoneField = $_POST['phone'];
    $commentsField = $_POST['comments'];
    $newletterField = $_POST['newsletter'];
    $favoriteField = $_POST['favorite'];
    $cruisesField = $_POST['cruises'];
    $preferredField = $_POST['preferred'];
    $landField = $_POST['land'];
    $destinationsField = $_POST['destinations'];
    $activitiesField = $_POST['activities'];
    $referredField = $_POST['referred'];

    $body = %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;EOD
    Email: $email %26lt;br%26gt;
    Name: $name %26lt;br%26gt;
    Phone Number: $phone %26lt;br%26gt;
    Comments: $comments %26lt;br%26gt;
    Newletter: $newsletter %26lt;br%26gt;
    Favorite Vacation: $favorite %26lt;br%26gt;
    Type of Cruise Vacation: $cruises %26lt;br%26gt;
    Preferred Cruise Lines: $preferred %26lt;br%26gt;
    Type of Land Vacation: $land %26lt;br%26gt;
    Destinations of Interest: $destinations %26lt;br%26gt;
    Activities of Interest: $activities %26lt;br%26gt;
    Referred by: $referred %26lt;br%26gt;
    Referred friend: $referredfriend %26lt;br%26gt;

    $headers = ''From: $email\r\n'';
    $headers .= ''Content-type: text/html\r\n'';
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

    /* Results rendered as HTML */

    $theResults = %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;EOD
    %26lt;title%26gt;Icon For Travel -Homepage%26lt;/title%26gt;
    %26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=utf-8''%26gt;
    %26lt;style type=''text/css''%26gt;
    body {
    background-color: #31887D;
    font-family: Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif
    font-size: 18px;
    font-style: normal;
    line-height: normal;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    body,td,th {
    font-size: 18px;
    %26lt;/head%26gt;%26lt;body text=''#FFF''%26gt;

    ?%26lt;div align=''left''%26gt;Thank you for your interest! Your email will be answered very soon!%26lt;/div%26gt;
    echo ''$theResults'';


    PHP scripting for form with multiple...

    Each checkbox should have a different name and you should have a php variable set for each POST value for each checkbox name. Also correct your email script to avoid email header injection.

    PHP scripting for form with multiple...

    Thank you so much for your quick reply. I have been working on trying to fix this for 2 days!

    Each checkbox does have its own name i.e., cruises_0, cruises_1, cruises_2, etc. Is that okay or do I need to rename to something else?

    I am not sure what you mean by ''have a php variable set for each POST value for each checkbox name. I think I might have done this in one of the other attempts. Is this what you mean?


    /* Subject and Email Variables */

    $emailSubject = 'Icon For Travel Information Request Form!';
    $webMaster = 'judy@iconfortravel.com';

    /* Gathering Data Variables */

    $emailField = $_POST['email'];
    $nameField = $_POST['name'];
    $phoneField = $_POST['phone'];
    $commentsField = $_POST['comments'];
    $newletterField = $_POST['newsletter'];
    $favoriteField = $_POST['favorite'];
    $cruisesField = $_POST['cruises'];
    $preferredField = $_POST['preferred'];
    $landField = $_POST['land'];
    $destinationsField = $_POST['destinations'];
    $activitiesField = $_POST['activities'];
    $referredField = $_POST['referred'];

    $body = %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;EOD
    Email: $email %26lt;br%26gt;
    Name: $name %26lt;br%26gt;
    Phone Number: $phone %26lt;br%26gt;
    Comments: $comments %26lt;br%26gt;
    Newletter: $newsletter %26lt;br%26gt;
    Favorite Vacation: $favorite %26lt;br%26gt;
    Type of Cruise Vacation: $cruises %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;form action=''checkbox.php'' method=''post''%26gt;

    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises[]'' value=''0'' /%26gt;All cruise offers %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises[]'' value=''1'' /%26gt;River cruises %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises[]'' value=''2'' /%26gt;Large ships %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises[]'' value=''3'' /%26gt;Small ships %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises[]'' value=''4'' /%26gt;Quick getaways/short notice %26lt;br%26gt;
    Preferred Cruise Lines: $preferred %26lt;br%26gt;
    Type of Land Vacation: $land %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''land[]'' value=''0'' /%26gt;All land offers %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''land[]'' value=''1'' /%26gt;All inclusives %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''land[]'' value=''2'' /%26gt;Escorted %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''land[]'' value=''3'' /%26gt;Custom %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''land[]'' value=''4'' /%26gt;Quick getaways/short notice %26lt;br%26gt;
    Destinations of Interest: $destinations %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''0'' /%26gt;Africa %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''1'' /%26gt;Alaska %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''2'' /%26gt;Antartica %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''3'' /%26gt;Asia/Far East %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''4'' /%26gt;Australia/New Zealand %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''5'' /%26gt;Bahamas %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''6'' /%26gt;Baltic %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''7'' /%26gt;Bermuda %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''8'' /%26gt;Black Sea %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''9'' /%26gt;Canada %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''10'' /%26gt;Caribbean %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''11'' /%26gt;Cental America %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''12'' /%26gt;Eastern Europe %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''13'' /%26gt;Florida %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''14'' /%26gt;Hawaii %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''15'' /%26gt;India %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''16'' /%26gt;Las Vegas %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''17'' /%26gt;Mediterranean %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''18'' /%26gt;Mexico %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''19'' /%26gt;Middle East %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''20'' /%26gt;New England %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''21'' /%26gt;Panama %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''22'' /%26gt;South America %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''23'' /%26gt;South Pacific %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''24'' /%26gt;Tahiti %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''25'' /%26gt;USA %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''26'' /%26gt;Western Europe %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''destinations[]'' value=''27'' /%26gt;Other %26lt;br%26gt;%26lt;br /%26gt;
    Other destinations: $otherdestinations %26lt;br%26gt;
    Activities of Interest: $activities %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''0'' /%26gt;Adventure %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''1'' /%26gt;Art %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''2'' /%26gt;Beach %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''3'' /%26gt;Bicycling %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''4'' /%26gt;Couples only %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''5'' /%26gt;Cultural travel %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''6'' /%26gt;Disney %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''7'' /%26gt;Family %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''8'' /%26gt;Fishing %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''9'' /%26gt;Fitness %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''10'' /%26gt;Food %26amp; Wine %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''11'' /%26gt;Golf %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''12'' /%26gt;Hiking %26amp; Walking %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''13'' /%26gt;History %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''14'' /%26gt;Honeymoon/romance %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''15'' /%26gt;Horseback riding %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''16'' /%26gt;Music %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''17'' /%26gt;RV %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''18'' /%26gt;Safari %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''19'' /%26gt;Sailing %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''20'' /%26gt;Scuba/snorkeling %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''21'' /%26gt;Shopping %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''22'' /%26gt;Snow ski %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''23'' /%26gt;Spa %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''24'' /%26gt;Surfing %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''25'' /%26gt;Tennis %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''26'' /%26gt;Theater %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''27'' /%26gt;Villa/private homes %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''28'' /%26gt;Water sports %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''29'' /%26gt;Whale watching %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''activities[]'' value=''30'' /%26gt;Other %26lt;br%26gt;
    Other activities: $otheractivities %26lt;br%26gt;
    Referred by: $referred %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''0'' /%26gt;Advertisement %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''1'' /%26gt;Email %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''2'' /%26gt;Repeat customer %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''3'' /%26gt;Search Engine result %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''4'' /%26gt;Yellow page search %26lt;br%26gt;
    %26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''referred[]'' value=''5'' /%26gt;Friend %26lt;br%26gt;
    Referred friend: $referredfriend %26lt;br%26gt;

    /* and in your checkbox.php you do this: */

    for ($i=0; $i%26lt;count($_POST['checkbox']);$i++) {
    echo ''%26lt;br /%26gt;value $i = ''.$_POST['checkbox'][$i];

    $headers = ''From: $email\r\n'';
    $headers .= ''Content-type: text/html\r\n'';
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);

    /* Results rendered as HTML */

    $theResults = %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;EOD
    %26lt;title%26gt;Icon For Travel -Homepage%26lt;/title%26gt;
    %26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=utf-8''%26gt;
    %26lt;style type=''text/css''%26gt;
    body {
    background-color: #31887D;
    font-family: Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua, Palatino, serif
    font-size: 18px;
    font-style: normal;
    line-height: normal;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    body,td,th {
    font-size: 18px;
    %26lt;/head%26gt;%26lt;body text=''#FFF''%26gt;

    ?%26lt;div align=''left''%26gt;Thank you for your interest! Your email will be answered very soon!%26lt;/div%26gt;
    echo ''$theResults'';


    If so, in this case, all the boxes showed on my response email, but there still were no check marks in the boxes. Only the last item selected showed after the semicolon for the Type of Cruise (or land, destination, referred) field.

    Where do I position the following in my script to avoid email header injection? After my email address? Do I need any semicolon or other coding (separate line)?

    if ( ereg( ''[\r\n]'', $name ) || ereg( ''[\r\n]'', $email ) ) {

    [... direct user to an error page and quit ...]


    Here's a little snippet of what I'm talking about where the check box names are all the same. Different ID's, same name

    ?%26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises'' value=''all cruise offers'' id=''cruises_0'' /%26gt;
    ?All cruise offers%26lt;/label%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;
    ?%26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises'' value=''river cruises'' id=''cruises_1'' /%26gt;
    ?River cruises%26lt;/label%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;
    ?%26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises'' value=''large ships'' id=''cruises_2'' /%26gt;
    ?Large ships%26lt;/label%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;
    ?%26lt;input type=''checkbox'' name=''cruises'' value=''small ships'' id=''cruises_3'' /%26gt;
    ?Small ships%26lt;/label%26gt;

    And for setting variables for each POST value you'd add them here where cruises_2, cruises_3, cruises_4, etc. = the NAME of the form input:

    /* Gathering Data Variables */

    $emailField = $_POST['email'];
    $nameField = $_POST['name'];
    $phoneField = $_POST['phone'];
    $commentsField = $_POST['comments'];
    $newletterField = $_POST['newsletter'];
    $favoriteField = $_POST['favorite'];

    $cruisesField = $_POST['cruises'];

    $cruises2Field = $_POST['cruises_2'];

    $cruises3Field = $_POST['cruises_3'];

    $cruises4Field = $_POST['cruises_4'];

    $preferredField = $_POST['preferred'];
    $landField = $_POST['land'];
    $destinationsField = $_POST['destinations'];
    $activitiesField = $_POST['activities'];
    $referredField = $_POST['referred'];

    Also correct your email script to avoid email header injection.

    converting an image to a rollover

    Hi there, I'm in the early stages of cobbling together this website for a friend;


    I'm happy with how it's going so far except that I'd like the t shirt thumbnails to change when rolled over. I know how to insert a rollover image, but not sure how to do it with these thumbnails as they are part of some lightbox code.

    Can anyone help me to convert these thumnails to rollovers while retaining the lightbox feature?

    This is the code for the t shirts table so far;

    %26lt;table width=''200'' border=''0'' align=''center'' cellpadding=''0''%26gt;


    ?%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/title.gif'' width=''680'' height=''105'' /%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;



    %26lt;p align=''center'' class=''style1''%26gt;click on a t shirt to see an enlarged view %26lt;/p%26gt;

    %26lt;table width=''791'' height=''1108'' border=''0'' align=''center'' cellpadding=''1'' bordercolor=''#666666''%26gt;


    ?%26lt;td width=''259'' height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/jo1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/jo2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td width=''259''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/cranes1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/crane2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td width=''259''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/love1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/love2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;



    ?%26lt;td height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/kishore1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/kishore2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/kishoregirls1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/kishoregirls2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/giraffe1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/giraffe2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;



    ?%26lt;td height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/dragonfly1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/dragonfly2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/leaves1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/leaves2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    ?%26lt;td%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/elephant1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/elephant2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;



    Many many thanks!

    converting an image to a rollover

    You can just use an image rollover with what you have

    Here is a tutorial how to do it with javascript, and another one with css

    Hope it helps..

    converting an image to a rollover

    Thanks for your help!

    I am aware of how to make rollover buttons. But since I am not good with code at all, I'm not sure how to combine this code with the lightbox code.

    Can anyne help?


    any takers?

    Add this into the %26lt;head%26gt; section of your page

    %26lt;script language=''JavaScript'' type=''text/JavaScript''%26gt;
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
    ?var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    ?var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i%26lt;a.length; i++)
    ?if (a[i].indexOf(''#'')!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}

    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
    ?var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a%26amp;%26amp;i%26lt;a.length%26amp;%26amp;(x=a[i])%26amp;%26amp;x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;

    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
    ?var p,i,x;?if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf(''?''))%26gt;0%26amp;%26amp;parent.frames.length) {
    ?d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
    ?if(!(x=d[n])%26amp;%26amp;d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x%26amp;%26amp;i%26lt;d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
    ?for(i=0;!x%26amp;%26amp;d.layers%26amp;%26amp;i%26lt;d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
    ?if(!x %26amp;%26amp; d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;

    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
    ?var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i%26lt;(a.length-2);i+=3)
    if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}

    And then add this into your %26lt;a href%26gt; tag

    onMouseOut=''MM_swapImgRestore()'' onMouseOver=''MM_swapImage('Image','','image_over.gif',1)''

    Where it has image in quotes, you have to add name=''Image'' to your %26lt;img%26gt; tag for it to work

    thanks for your reply. But, I'm still struggling with this sorry.

    I'm not sure where I insert this:

    %26lt;td width=''259'' height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/jo1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/jo2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    and which bits (if any) of the original code (below) I should remove.

    %26lt;td width=''259'' height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/jo1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/jo2.jpg'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    I only have a very rudimentry understanding of code, so, while I can pretty much figure out what parts mean, I'm not sure about syntax etc.

    Can anyone help?


    The script code has to go inbetween the %26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;/head%26gt; tags in your html code and then what is in red has to go into the code you posted

    %26lt;td width=''259'' height=''365''%26gt;%26lt;a href=''timages/jo1.jpg'' rel=''lightbox'' title=''my caption'' onMouseOut=''MM_swapImgRestore()'' onMouseOver=''MM_swapImage('Jo','','timages/jo1.jpg',1)''%26gt;%26lt;img src=''timages/jo2.jpg'' name=''Jo'' width=''259'' height=''363'' border=''0'' /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/td%26gt;

    So this link is just going to bring the user to an image correct? is that what you want?

    yes! that's perfect. Thanks a million.

    Glad I could help!


  • revlon
  • OLAPDataGrid and IOLAPResult from XML/A

    Hi guys

    I am working with the OLAPDataGrid, i read from

    http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Flex_3:Feature_Introductions:OLAP_API_and_O LAP_Data_Grid

    that OLAPDataGrid can talk with OLAP Servers

    Can OLAPDataGrid talk with other OLAP Servers? - YES

    OLAPDataGrid consumes an IOLAPResult and if your backend is some real OLAP server or even some other cube implementation you can implement the IOLAPResult interface and thus can make OLAPDataGrid display your query results

    I implement a C# web service where i pass to it the MDX query where i execute it against SSAS, after it i save the result (which is XML/A) into an XML File.

    Then i am getting the content of the file through %26lt;mx:httpService%26gt;

    i read that i can write the following olapDataGrid.dataprovider = result as IOLAPResult

    where result is the content of the file.

    The problem is that the data are not loaded into OlapDataGrid.

    should i parse the XML/A result and retrieve the value then bind it to the olapDataGrid

    What shall i do?

    Thank you

    Please it is urgent


    [svn:fx-trunk] 9288: Adding change 9148...

    Revision: 9288

    Author: rfrishbe@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-08-13 16:16:32 -0700 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)

    Log Message:


    Adding change 9148 again, with some fixes for spark skins for halo components as well. Because Group handles the disabled alpha, when a skin gets directly disabled (skin.enabled=false), it causes some issues. In Spark, we never directly disable the skin, but we just put the skin in the ''disabled'' state.

    QE notes: -

    Doc notes: -

    Bugs: SDK-22209, SDK-22605

    Reviewer: Glenn

    Tests run: checkintests, Steve ran all Halo component tests

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    Ticket Links:




    Modified Paths:



    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/components/supportClasses/Gr oupBase.as

    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/sparkskins/src/mx/skins/spark/CheckBoxSkin.m xml

    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/sparkskins/src/mx/skins/spark/RadioButtonSki n.mxml

    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/sparkskins/src/mx/skins/spark/SliderTrackHig hlightSkin.mxml

    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/sparkskins/src/mx/skins/spark/SliderTrackSki n.mxml

    Mac - Glozzy or matte

    Hi Adobes

    I just wanted to know your opinion on the glozzy vs. matte apple screens, what should you choose as a web designer?

    I heard something about the glozzy screens showed colors the wrong way, and that would be a major problem for me, if im designing on a screen where the colors are different from what the visitors or customers are seeing!

    I can live with the Mac colors beeing different from Windows, but would know what to do before i get a glozzy or matte screen!

    I hope you guys will be able to help!

    Mac - Glozzy or matte

    Most people don't like the glossy screens for accurate work although a few do like them.

    Colours are colours and, if the screen is properly calibrated, it doesn't make any difference whether it's a Mac or a Windows computer.

    Mac - Glozzy or matte

    Thanks! But how do i calibrate the screen properly?

    The best way to calibrate the monitor is with a device like an Eye-one.

    This is a UK supplier but they are available world-wide.


    There are software solutions but these rely on the accuracy of your eyesight.

    Nice, thanks a lot! But a 鎷?100 is a lot for my small business just to get the right colors Is there some screen sittings i can aply so i get closer to what i PC user would see, or is Native Digital the only way?

    A.Therkildsen wrote:

    Nice, thanks a lot! But a 鎷?100 is a lot for my small business just to get the right colors Is there some screen sittings i can aply so i get closer to what i PC user would see, or is Native Digital the only way?

    All out of ideas....

    I recently convereted to CS3 from 2.0. When I capture the film and play the project in my workspace I get video, but no audio. The audio is visable in the timeline as ''Wave Form'' and the meters react to audio in the Audio Mixer, just no sound.

    However, if I ''Extract the Audio'' portion and open it with ''EDIT: /?''EDIT IN ADOBE SOUNDBOOTH:'' / EDIT SOURCE FILE:'' I can hear the audio portion in that area.

    I have searched and tried to find a way to correct the problem without success. It appears the audio is being captured, but not linked to the video in the timeline.

    If I drag the Extracted Audio from the project box to the timeline it has that pale green color I always have precived as contaninated audio. I do not know what else to call it, but I do know if the audio track has that pale yellowish tint to it, it is not going to work.

    Please help me with any suggestions. I don't get frustrated when I can't fix something, I get frustrated when I run out of ideas.

    Thank You,

    Clueless Jim

    All out of ideas....

    Hopefully it's something simple like the audio track is set to mute?

    All out of ideas....

    If you double click on a video file in project panel does audio play? It just doesnt play when you drag it to the timeline??If so, check General Settings/ playback settings

    Hello Curt: Thank you for your help. It will play if I double click on a video file in the project panel, but again no audio. I have checked and recheck every setting I can find and all the audio portions are on. In a new project my settings are DHV 1080i30 (60). I have a canon HV20 high def camcorder.

    Hello FS: I wish it were that simple. Or at least I can't locate any buttons that need to be pushed to set the audio in with the video. It is not muted in the audio track to be specific. Thank you for your help. Any and all suggestions are welcome. Jim

    Two questions:

    Does other Audio play in CS3? When you Edit the Clip's Audio in Soundbooth and replace the original Audio (basically what that ''pale green'' is telling you), does this new file play in CS3?

    I just want to rule out that it is not an Audio, or Audio Hardware setting first, and that it IS a problem with the Captured Video's Audio. BTW you ARE Capturing from your camera via FireWire and using CS3 to Capture, right? Does your original Captured Asset show a Waveform Display for the Audio?

    Good luck,


    1. Does other Audio play in CS3? This is my first time to try to use it so I can not answer that question for sure.

    2. When you Edit the Clip's Audio in Soundbooth and replace the original

    Audio (basically what that ''pale green'' is telling you), does this new

    file play in CS3? No

    3. ...you ARE Capturing from your camera via FireWire and using CS3 to Capture, right? Yes

    4. Does your original Captured Asset show a Waveform Display for the Audio? Yes; it is the correct color and the mixer meters even show there is audio.

    Thanks Jim

    Is your cam connected??If so; try disconnectig it.

    Is this by chance a trial ver of Pr CS3??or full retail copy...

    Yes it was connected. I unplugged at the fire-wire on the computer end and still no audio. Man that would have been great if it had been that easy. I can't help but think I am missing something so simple. I have gone over all the buttons I can find. Thanks Jim

    In Edit%26gt;Preferences, there are two important tabs: Audio and Audio Hardware. The second has several buttons, like ASIO Settings, that bring up other dialog screens. You will see drop-down menus and radio buttons. Can you do screen-caps of all of these screens for both Audio and Audio Hardware, plus the various additional dialog screens. It seems likely that you have a setting off.

    Good luck,


    PS - use the little ''camera'' icon on the bottom row, middle, of the Toolbar in the forum editing screen:

    I must confess. I was at my wits ends. I called the Geek Squad. Here is what

    they found.

    ''Reconfigured the audio output settings in Premiere

    - Edit%26gt;Preferences%26gt;Audio%26gt;Audio Hardware%26gt;ASIO Settings%26gt;''

    They did a couple of other things for me, so I was well pleased, thanks


    You were right WS. The thing is there was some deciphering he had to do in

    the ASIO settings and with my limited computer skills I am glad I called.

    I had to get CS3 up and running. I am on a timeline myself to get the

    project completed.

    Thanks for all your help. Thank all you guys and 'girls'.


    P.S. I'm sure you will hear from me again. I'll stay posted to the sight and

    learn my reading. I doubt I will be able to be much help.

    Glad that you got it sorted. Deadlines can loom large!

    ASIO settings can be the ''root of all (or much) evil.'' It's not THAT hard to diagnose, but then you did save time, as the replies in the forum are seldom RT (Real Time).

    For future reference, should you encounter ASIO issues that CANNOT be easily handled, there is a little driver, ASIO4ALL, that corrects many ASIO issues. It's free and has saved many people in the Audition forum much grief. You just need to install it, and then direct everything in all of your programs, that have Audio, to it. In your case now, no need, 'cause you got it sorted.

    Good luck,


    I see there is a way to give points for help. I did not see how to do that.

    When I get in figured out I would like to show my appreciation in some way.

    Thanks again Jim

    [svn:fx-trunk] 9287: Fixes bug with...

    Revision: 9287

    Author: chaase@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-08-13 15:53:43 -0700 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)

    Log Message:


    Fixes bug with shader-transition effects (AnimateTransitionShader, Wipe, and CrossFade) when acting on targets that either have filters or are inside a hierarchy with filters. Fix was to capture the bitmap snapshot of the target without any of its own filters applied and to then use the ShaderFilter in conjunction with the target's filters during the animation.

    QE notes: Probably need more tests in this area, now that we handle it

    Doc notes: none

    Bugs: sdk-20250

    Reviewer: Jason

    Tests run: Checkintests, Mustella (spark/effects/[AnimateTransitionShader|Wipe|CrossFade])

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    Ticket Links:



    Modified Paths:


    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/effects/AnimateTransitionSha der.as

    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/spark/src/spark/effects/supportClasses/Anima teTransitionShaderInstance.as

    [svn:fx-trunk] 9285: Fix an injection...

    Revision: 9285

    Author: aharui@adobe.com

    Date: 2009-08-13 15:51:21 -0700 (Thu, 13 Aug 2009)

    Log Message:


    Fix an injection from frame1 cleanup. Resources in loaded swfs weren't being added to the ResourceManager

    QE Notes: None

    Doc Notes: None

    Bugs: SDK-21962

    Reviewer: Darrell

    API Change: No

    Is noteworthy for integration: No

    tests: checkintests

    Ticket Links:



    Modified Paths:



    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/resources/ResourceManagerIm pl.as

  • revlon
  • How to create ''add to...

    like in topic say, how to create it i know how to create buttons link it and all order but how to call bookmark file to my bookmark

    if I call with this script

    on (release) {

    file from location ''/pics/pic_preview.html'' how I can't to get current URL to my bookmark.

    Need help with Photoshop and ''Licensing...

    I am still using CS3. A while back I received an error: ''Licensing for this product has stopped working'' for my CS3 programs. I used the recovery program suggested by Adobe and was able to get Illustrator, Flash and Dreamweaver to work, but I still can't open Photoshop or In Design. I went back to the Adobe site and did every other trick they suggested to fix the error, but nothing has worked.

    I then tried to uninstall photoshop from my CS3 suite (so I could reinstall) but got a JavaScript Alert: ''Critical errors were found in set up. Please see set up log for file details.'' Seeing as I am not the best with the behind the scenes technical stuff, I have no idea what this means or where the set up log even is. Any help anyone can provide?

    I have had CS3 installed on my computer for over a year. I started having problems about 4 months ago.

    Need help with Photoshop and ''Licensing...

    I am having similar problem.?Can't open any of CS3 programs after trying to download Dreamweaver Trial, which wouldn't work because ''couldn't remove DLM extention'' error message.?So now I can not run Illustrator, Photoshop, or even Adobe Reader.?These are properly licensed for about a year. I get ''License for product has stopped working''.?Have 2 pending cases open with Adobe support (one for Dreamweaver trial, one for license problem) since 8/3 with NO ANSWERS - It says answers within 1-3 business days.?Was on phone support hold today for over 3 hours before line went dead with no help.?What is up with adobe support??Can anyone help?

    Need help with Photoshop and ''Licensing...


    if ur using a trial version and that gives u this error message, there is no resolution for it

    when u install adobe application it install Flexnet licensing service, and when that stop working it gives u this error message.

    follow KB401528, solution no 4 first and than follow other troubleshootings.

    let me know if u need someother help

    Non-tech Q: How to buy Educ. Version of...

    I've seen the price list on Adobe.com, which includes a $199 educational version.?I'd like to buy this on behalf of my 4th grader, for his school newsletter and other work. (His allowance isn't quite high enough yet to afford this, and it will be a few years before his Visa applications get approved!) But I can't locate that version to load into my shopping cart. Is it only available for older students or something?



    Non-tech Q: How to buy Educ. Version of...

    I believe it's high school and college only.


    Non-tech Q: How to buy Educ. Version of...

    hmm - that's what I guessed, although it's not too clear on the site. Too bad -- 10-year olds can certainly use InDesign. Thanks.


    Help with Scripting forms when...


    I am new to scripting in adobe professional, I thank anyone in advance for any advice or help they can give me.

    I am trying to use the calcuations within the forms that I am putting fields onto.?In the process I discovered that the program the forms are within are attaching a pipe and additional characters after the actual name that I have named them.?So, I am not able to use even the simple calculations within adobe to ''sum'' fields. For example: I named the field ''1_1Text'' and this is what displays when you go into the calculations and pick the fields you want.?But the actual name is ''1_1Text|1234567'' so the calculations will not work.

    I take it then I need to use the advanced scripting but I am unsure of the format for a routine such as this.?I have a little knowledge of javascript but it has been awhile.?There must be a scan to find the pipe and then you should be able to chop off the extra characters since I will never know the characters the program adds on so then I can do calculations on these fields. Then you would have to put them into an array or something to save them? Any help with a script or hints would surely be appreciated.


    Help with Scripting forms when...

    %26gt;For example: I named the field ''1_1Text'' and this is what displays when you go into the calculations and pick the fields you want.?But the actual name is ''1_1Text|1234567''?...

    Please clarify, did you name the field ' 1_1Text as stated' or ' 1_1Text|1234567' as explained??

    I think you are using the wrong naming convention for field names.

    Help with Scripting forms when...

    %26gt;%26gt;Please clarify, did you name the field ' 1_1Text as stated' or ' 1_1Text|1234567' as explained?

    I named the field ''1_1Text'' as per the standards here.?BUT the program that runs these forms attaches additional characters onto the name I gave it.?So, the name ends up to be ''1_1Text|1234567''?the program attaches the ''|1234567'' at the end of my name.?So I believe I could write scripts if I could strip off the extra string the program puts on the end.?At least I hope.

    Does this make sense??Or still not clear?

    After crreating forms in Acrobat for 14 years, I have never seen this in Acrobat or LiveCycle Designer when manually adding fields.

    Could explain more fully how you are creating your forms and what programs you are using from the creation of the base document to which program and how you are adding fields.

    Could explain more fully how you are creating your forms and what programs you are using from the creation of the base document to which program and how you are adding fields.

    It looks like you VB, ASP, or SQL database is modifying the field names.

    Right, that is what I said.?I wanted to find out if I could create a routine to strip off these extra characters within the custom calculation script before I did the calcuations or is this impossible??If so, some help with the code would be appreciated.

    Putting one Image on top of another


    I'm trying to finish a web page, where I can have a background image, and another image on top of it.

    I've used some CSS, and I tried setting the background image as the background of a table, and then making a table within that for the image I want on top, but I'm having a hard time getting things lined up.

    I need to keep the images separate, because I want people to be able to download the image on top separately.

    Is there any easy way to do this in Dreamweaver?

    Or is there a way to do this in Fireworks, and keep the images separate?


    Putting one Image on top of another

    You can do this without a problem with a div layout. Forget about tables. Create a containing div which will be your page and you add divs inside that containing div. Set a background image to the containing div and then do the same with one of the inside divs. You can do that with css. Here is a tutorial to give you an idea.

    Putting one Image on top of another

    I ended up using a background image on the whole page, and using ''background-position:center top;'' to center it.

    The onlty problem now is, I need to put the image on top of it in a specific place.

    It basically has to be centered horizontally, and in a specific position (number of pixels) down vertically.

    How is the best way to do this?


    can you paste your code?

    I'm using this for the background image:

    %26lt;style type=''text/css''%26gt;


    body {

    background-image: url(Images/br.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position:center top;

    background-color: #000;



    I'm just not sure how to put the front image in a specific spot vertically, and center it horizontally...

    Ok well you dont have a web page yet. You only have an internal css sheet. You need this for it to work

    %26lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ''http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd''%26gt;
    %26lt;html xmlns=''http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml''%26gt;
    %26lt;meta http-equiv=''Content-Type'' content=''text/html; charset=utf-8'' /%26gt;
    %26lt;title%26gt;Untitled Document%26lt;/title%26gt;

    %26lt;style type=''text/css''%26gt;


    body {

    background-image: url(Images/br.png);

    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    background-position:center top;

    background-color: #000;


    #imagediv {






    %26lt;div id=''imagediv''%26gt;%26lt;/div%26gt;


    Here is a tutorial on aligning divs


    I did have a web page - I was just copying those lines of code.

    I know I can alighn a div - Format -%26gt; Align works for that.

    I just though there is probably a way to do that with CSS, and if I'm using CSS anyway, why not find out how.

    But I still don't know hoe to position the image at a specific position vertically...

    I basically need to position it in a specific position relative to the background, centered (which I can do by alighing the div) but at a set amount of pixels down, so it is in the right place...

    How can I do this?


    OK, I think I figured it out...

    I used this CSS code:


    position: relative; top: 270px;

    margin-left: auto;

    margin-right: auto;

    display: block;


    So it works now?


    Thanks for the help.

    I found most of the info here:


    One more question -

    Is there any way to insert a hotspot over a background image?

    I need to add a link to an area in the background image...


    ytlevine wrote:

    One more question -

    Is there any way to insert a hotspot over a background image?

    I just figured that out, and did that.

    Only funny thing -

    I used the same style css to put the image exactly where I needed it, but it seemed like the number of pixels started counting from after the last image...

    Can anyone confirm that?


    try taking out relative from your style sheet for the new div

    But won't that make that the image won't move when the user scrolls the page?

    I've checked this thread a few times now and I'm sure i'ts not my eyes even if it is the early hours of the morning here, but I have not once seen a link to the problem pages.

    Unless you provide the code in full (html and css) - or even better upload all the working files to a remote site and provide the link, everything really is only a guessing game聽 :-)

    Proving a link, allows people to see the html, the css and all the imagery that makes up the site, by just posting code, we don't get to all of that interacting together to see what may be causing the problems.



    Adobe庐 Community Expert : Dreamweaver



    Unique CSS Templates | Tutorials | SEO Articles




    Sorry, read your message wrong.

    Relative should move it relative to its starting position. If you move it left:20px;, it should move left of the element 20px. Just an example

    changing cover pics

    I have 3 albums in photoshop, I would like to change the pic on the front of each album....how do I do that?

    changing cover pics

    Select the album, roll over an image and you should see a black bar across the bottom of it.?Click on this to show a drop down menu which contains an item labeled, 'Use as Album Cover'.

    Regards, Guy

  • revlon
  • A way to determine where spot colors...


    Is there a way to determine where a spot color is being used in your art?

    I know in InDesign you can open the separation preview panel and turn off the rest of the colors.?Is there a similar method for Illustrator?



    A way to determine where spot colors...

    As of CS4 there is.?What version are you using?

    If cs3 or below, save as a pdf and open in acrobat (pro, not reader) to view separations.

    A way to determine where spot colors...

    CS4 does have a Separations Preview Panel, that's one way.

    CS3 and CS4 both have Live Color which will also work.

    Thanks Jesseham!?Sorry I should have mentioned I have CS2.?I wish I could do it within Illustrator as Scott suggests, instead of the extra step of Acrobat, but it'll do!

    Thanks again,


    Thanks Scott.?I wish I had CS3 or 4, but alas I'm ''stuck'' with 2 at the moment.


    Export a PDF and use the seperation preview in Acrobat.