Sunday, March 28, 2010

Resizing a browser window to that of...


With the help from Nadia my Flash files now play on the server.?The only issue I have now is that the Browser window opens full screen instead of the size of the flash player. Is there a way to make the browser only open to the size of the flash player?


Resizing a browser window to that of...

Well you could use javascript to force the browser window to a specific size *but* it's usually not a good idea to try and force users browsers to do things without their knowledge and approval. Do you have a URL we can see? I might have a few other ideas if I can see what's actually happening on your page.

Resizing a browser window to that of...

Totally agree with Bemdesign - it's totally impolite to try and resize someone's browser settings - you can be sure that you will most certainly lose visitors if you continue down this track.

Yes, it's possible via javascript, but seriously, no real purpose would be served.

Why not just make the page background the same a the background colour as your flash movie - that way it blends into the background - no need to resize the browser in this case.


Thanks again for the feedback.?Pondering the issue at home last night I came to the same conclusion as Nadia, make the background the same colour then all will be good.?So I created a new page with a div to auto the margins, and it looks good to me now.

Thanks again for the assistance, appreciate the thought about not re-sizing visitors broswers.



Just as a thought you can resize the flash player to the full size of the window (including content).

See -


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