Sunday, April 4, 2010

Appending Metadata without losing...

I am trying to append some metadata on some RAW Canon files, 1D Mark III, that had has some light keywording already done do it before I appended the metadata. When I do this, append the metadata, I lose the all keywords. Is there a work around for this?

I am using the most recently updated Mac version of CS4, on Mac 10.4.11, MacPro 2.66 Ghz Dual Core, with 8 GBs of Ram.


Daniel Root


Appending Metadata without losing...

If you use the append metadata option you are adding a template that

overrides all other info. You better select all the files in the content

window you want the new metadata to have added. With the files that need

those new metadata selected type (or use copy paste) the new info in the

fields you want to change and the other info stays as it is.

I am trying to append some metadata on some RAW Canon files, 1D Mark III, that

had has some light keywording already done do it before I appended the

metadata. When I do this, append the metadata, I lose the all keywords. Is

there a work around for this?

Appending Metadata without losing...

I have done that, but every time I cut and paste one line, it asks me if I want to apply it. If I choose not to, it won't take the new line. I have to do this every time I want to add or change a line in the metadata, and I am doing it for over a thousand files. Why does the Append command write over the keywords? This seems silly. IS there a faster way to change metadata without affecting the keywords? If not, Adobe should make this a possibility. Because if I have to edit 2,000 files down to say 1,000, but I don't want to apply the metadata yet, but?I want to keyword to have the option of selecting files by keywords to edit, I can't. I have to apply the metadata first then keyword,and wait twice as long for the metadata to be written.

Let me describe my workflow,

I use Adobe Photodwonloader for ingestion files. In this app I have set :

- the folder where the files have to go to

- a new rename wit yyyymmdd and a sequence number (keep original filename in


- convert to DNG

- back up original Raw files to a separate disk

- and adding a copyright template to the metadata.

Hitting the OK button once does this for all the files. After ingestion and

caching in Bridge all the files now have a basic template in it

The files I want to have metadata written to ( in my case the IPTC fields

for description, date created and place - state and country are also in the

template and only now and then the state has to be altered).

For this I use the content en metadata panel.

In Bridge prefs I have set the metadata fields that are important for me to

visible with a checkmark. This results in a very small number of lines in

this panel. I select the files that need the same metadata and point mouse

or pen tool to the description field.

In here I type, when ready I hit the tab key that brings me to the next

visible field, and so on. At last I hit the enter key in the numeric keypad

and I'm done for the next session without any pop up menu in the way.

If you select an other file to add metadata without hitting the enter key

you will be prompted with the pop up message. However, there is a checkbox

in it that says: don't show again

Hope this helps for you.

S there a faster way to change metadata without affecting the keywords?

Thanks for taking the time to explain your workflow. However, it won't work with my system, but I really want to thank you for taking the time to share your workflow with me.

All I really want to know is there a way to update more than one line of metadata without losing the keywords, meaning if I copy and paste lines of metadata from another template or existing file, how can I do it without having to do it one line at a time? So if I had 500 files, and I need to update ten lines in the metadata, I don't want to have to cut and paste a line, then apply, and wait, and wait, and, wait, so I can do another line. I want to update the quickest way possible, multiple liens of metadata without losing the keywords. It sounds like this is impossible in the current version of Bridge, which I find is frustrating.

If you have to wait for the apply then either you don't use the metadata

panel as it should (tab and enter - for description field enter from numeric

keyboard) or your system is not working well.

First restart Bridge holding down option key to refresh preferences, reset

prefs and try again the above way of adding metadata, you should have to

wait and you should not have to see the apply window.

Then you might explain if you want to alter all the 500 files each apart or

are there some series that can do with same lines in metadata and same

keywords. Cab you give an example from the lines you want have filled

Also you might consider to take your loss for this job and start altering

the files in portions. It often is quicker to do this then to try and find a

solution . Then find your own workflow for the future and stick with

that. Bridge really is a useful application for this.

I don't want to have to cut and paste a line, then apply, and wait, and wait,

and, wait, so I can do another line.

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